Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Monday-Tuesday, January 30-31, 2012

No Homework

Warm Up
Movie: Gandhi
Group Work: Imperialism Posters

Warm Up
Turn to page 338. Answer the Geography Skillbuilder Questions.
  1. What countries had a sphere of influence in China?
  2. What countries has a sphere of influence in inland China? What natural feature allowed for this?

Movie: Gandhi
Students answer questions about the movie. Students turn in movie questions.

Group Work: Imperialism Poster
Students get into groups of 3. Each person takes one section of the poster, reads their section, and Answers the question.
Each poster should contain the following information for each section of Chapter 12.

Title: Country/Region

  1. Imperial Interest-Why did they take over this region/nation? Why were they taken over by other nations?
  2. Major Conflicts-What rebellions took place? What were the results? What military actions took place? What were the results?
  3. Outcomes-What were the outcomes of imperialism in the country/region?

Friday, January 27, 2012

Thursday-Friday, January 26-27, 2012


Warm Up
Imperialism Posters

Warm Up
Turn to page 336 and answer the Interact With History questions. 
Will discuss as a class.

Students will complete watching the movie Gandhi and complete questions.

Imperialism Poster
Students will get into groups of 3.
Each students will focus on one portion of their poster.
Each group will be given a section of Chapter 12 to focus on.
As students read, they are to write a short summary about:
1.  Identify the regions/countries involved
1.  What interest does the imperial nation have in the region?
2.  What conflicts/revolutions/battles resulted?  What were their outcomes?
3.  What is the effect of imperialism in the region/country?

After they are complete, groups will present their posters to class.
Class will take notes on posters.

Tuesday-Wednesday, January 24-25, 2012

Chapter 12 Vocabulary

Warm Up
Benchmark 2

Warm Up
Study silently for 10 minutes.

Benchmark 2
Students will take Benchmark 2.

Students will answer questions from movie.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Friday-Monday, January 20-23, 2012

Study guide

Warm Up
Review Hw

Warm Up
Turn to page. 317 Answer  Geography Skill Builder Questions

Shooting an Elephant. Class will discuss reading

Movie: Ghandi
Students answer movie questions

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday-Thursday, January 18-19, 2012

Shooting an Elephant, George Orwell, 1936, reading and questions.

Warm Up
Review HW
Movie: Gandhi
Shooting an Elephant Prediction

Warm Up
Review your homework assignment.  If you are finished reread it one last time.  If you are not finished with it, complete the assignment.

Review Homework
Swap papers with another student.  Answer the following questions:
1.  What are the author's topic sentences?
2.  What similarities does the author identify between Africans and Muslims?
3.  What differences does the author identify in her/his paragraph?
4.  What could the author include in her/his paragraph to improve his paragraph?
5.  What is good about the paragraphs?

Movie: Gandhi
Students watch the movie Gandhi and answer questions about the movie.

Shooting an Elephant Predictions
Students read the "Before You Read" section of their questions and predict the outcome of the story.  Class will discuss the potential outcomes of the reading and discuss.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday-Tuesday, January 13-17, 2012

Reread the section African Resistance on page 313 and Europeans Grab Territory. Write 2 paragraphs in which you compare the ways that Africans and Muslims reacted to European Imperialism.
Paragraph 1 should include a discussion about how their reactions were similar.
Paragraph 2 should include a discussion about how their reactions were disimilar.

In each paragraph, make sure you begin with a topic sentence, such as:
African and Muslim reactions to European imperialism were similar/disimilar in many ways.

Each paragraph should be between 5-9 sentences long and have a clear beginning, ending, and middle.

Bell Work
Review Homework
Indian Rebellion
European Control

Bell Work
  1. In what ways did Africans react to imperialism?
  2. Pretend that you are an African or a Muslim. Explain how you would react to imperialism?
  3. How did the Ottoman Empire lose power, especially in the early 1900s?

Review Homework
Students switch papers with a classmate. Students without finished paragraphs will spend this 15 minutes completing their writing assignment. Students who are complete will correct their partner's paper. Students will answer the following questions.
  1. According to the paragraphs, in what ways are African and Muslim reactions similar?
  2. According to the paragraphs, in what ways are African and Muslim reactions different?
  3. What should the author include to make their paragraph more complete?

Indian Rebellion
Students will read the section British Expand Control Over India and Indians Rebel and answer the following questions.
Class will review this information together.

European Control
Students will create a bubble map for Imperialism in Southeast Asia. On the bubble map, students will identify the area, who controlled it, and what the impact was for each area.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Complete your Ottoman Empire Comic

Bell Work
Homework Review
African Resistance Bubble Chart
Comic-Ottoman Empire loses power

Bell Work
1. The relationship between an imperial country and an imperialized country would be described as one between a
     a. doctor and her patients
     b. a manager and his staff
     c. a parent and its child
     d. a business owner and her clients
2.  Under direct control, people have less freedom in ______________ matters than under direct control.
3.  Under indirect control ___________ authorities govern over internal matters.
4.  What are the four forms of imperialism.

Review Homework
Class will review the HW from Monday and Tuesday.

African Resistance Bubble Chart
Students will read the section African Resistance and write a short answer to the question:
How did Africans react to imperialism?
Students will share their answers as a class.

Comic-Ottoman Empire Loses Power
Comic-Ottoman Empire Loses Power
On the back of this paper, create a 8 panel comic in which you summarize how the Ottoman Empire loses power.
Get into groups of 3-4. Choose a role from the list below. Your primary function is to complete your objective as stated below. However, you should help other members of your group complete their tasks as well.

_________________________________--Scribe (2): Summarize the sections.
________________--Translator-Create captions for the 8 panel comic.
________________--Artist-Draw a picture for each caption.

Begin reading the section Ottoman Empire Loses Power on page 317 and Europeans Grab Territory on page 318. As you read, summarize the section in the space below.
Pg. 317, Ottoman Empire Loses Power
Pg. 318, Europeans Grab Territory

Now divide your summaries into four parts each. Create 8 events that explain how the Ottoman Empire loses their power. Keep them short, as these will serve as captions for each of your panels. Make sure that your summary completely explains how the Ottoman empire lost control in the late 1800s-early 1900s.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Page 316.  Analyzing Effects and Research question.

Bell Work
Vocabulary Circles
Patterns of Change
Management Methods

Bell Work
How was your break?  Write a paragraph in which you explain what you did over break.

Vocabulary Circles
Students create vocabulary circles for the words paternalism and assimilation

Patterns of Change/Management Methods
Students answer the skillbuilder questions on Pg. 310 and 311.

As per Encore High School's homework policy, students will be given the last 10 minutes of class to complete homework.
Students read the excerpts from page 316.  Then students answer the Analyzing Effects and Research questions.