Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday-Tuesday, January 13-17, 2012

Reread the section African Resistance on page 313 and Europeans Grab Territory. Write 2 paragraphs in which you compare the ways that Africans and Muslims reacted to European Imperialism.
Paragraph 1 should include a discussion about how their reactions were similar.
Paragraph 2 should include a discussion about how their reactions were disimilar.

In each paragraph, make sure you begin with a topic sentence, such as:
African and Muslim reactions to European imperialism were similar/disimilar in many ways.

Each paragraph should be between 5-9 sentences long and have a clear beginning, ending, and middle.

Bell Work
Review Homework
Indian Rebellion
European Control

Bell Work
  1. In what ways did Africans react to imperialism?
  2. Pretend that you are an African or a Muslim. Explain how you would react to imperialism?
  3. How did the Ottoman Empire lose power, especially in the early 1900s?

Review Homework
Students switch papers with a classmate. Students without finished paragraphs will spend this 15 minutes completing their writing assignment. Students who are complete will correct their partner's paper. Students will answer the following questions.
  1. According to the paragraphs, in what ways are African and Muslim reactions similar?
  2. According to the paragraphs, in what ways are African and Muslim reactions different?
  3. What should the author include to make their paragraph more complete?

Indian Rebellion
Students will read the section British Expand Control Over India and Indians Rebel and answer the following questions.
Class will review this information together.

European Control
Students will create a bubble map for Imperialism in Southeast Asia. On the bubble map, students will identify the area, who controlled it, and what the impact was for each area.

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