Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Friday, February 22-Monday, February 25, 2013

Today, we played a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors and compared it to Marx philosophy.  The notes are located below.

Marxist Rock, Scissors, Paper
Understanding Marxist Theory
Rules of the Game
Two opponents face off and slowly pump their fists in unison three times while counting “one, two, three.”
On “three”, each player turns their fist into one of three hand formations: flat(paper); forefinger and middle fingers extended(scissors), or fist(rock)
The student with a rock beats scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock.
The winner takes one credit from the loser
If players tie, they go again
Continue to play until you run out of credits
Debriefing Questions
How did you feel at the start of the game?
How did you feel when you ran out of points and had to quit the game? Explain.
What tactics could you have used to get back into the game? Why didn’t you try those tactics?
Do you think this game was fair? Why or why not? State your reasons.
Now that the game is over, what action could the teacher take, if any, to make the game fair? Should the teacher take such an action? Why or why not?
Karl Marx
Born in Germany in 1818
Philosopher of economics
Witnessed the unbridled capitalism of the Industrial Revolution
Argued that  capitalist systems resulted in a class struggle between the rich and the working classes
The inevitable result of this class struggle would be a workers’ revolt
Wrote Communist Manifesto in 1848
Encouraged workers to create a new economic system, socialism, where resources are distributed equally
Thought that individuals would strive for equality rather than for greed & profit
After time, there would be no need for government, which led to communism, the final goal of a workers’ rebellion

Communist Theory of Karl Marx
Private ownership of industry
Freedom of competition
Results in unequal economic classes
Upper class & working class struggle over wealth
Working class carries out plan to overtake upper class
Communist Theory of Karl Marx
Government ownership of industry
Goal is to bring economic equality
Aims for a classless society
Goal of classless society achieved
No government needed

Tonight's homework:
Pg. 400, 1-4
Pg. 404, 1-4

Modified Assignment
Pg. 400, 1-2
Pg. 404, 1-2

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