Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday, February 20-Thursday, February 21, 2013

Today, we finished the video of Animal Farm and completed our final test on the book.  Your job is to complete the Animal Farm Project below.

From the following list, choose 2 project to complete.
1. Create an informative poster or brochure about Communism, including facts and statistics about the famous leaders (Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin), politics, and philosophies.
2. Create a new book jacket for the novel. The book jacket must have a picture that represents the novel on the front cover and a summary of the novel on the back cover. Other elements, such as the critics’ reviews and author’s biography and photo will earn additional points.
3. Create a detailed map of where the story takes place. Include names of towns and cities, and a key telling how they are related to the novel.
4. Create a newspaper of the day the animals took over the farm. Include as many details of the event as possible in the main article. Also include advertisements, horoscopes, photos, gossip, advice columns, letters to the editor, or other newsworthy events to enhance the project. (at least 2 pages; front and back)
5. Rewrite a famous “pop” song (it can be any genre, but should be commonly known) to describe the events in Animal Farm. Example (sung to the tune of Call Me Maybe):
Mister Jones came home today
Animals talking, Major's okay
They are tired of being mistreated,
So now, they goin' revolt
They meet, they learn, and they talk
Writing their plans out in chalk
They certainly walk the walk
So now, they goin' revolt
Their big chain were broken
No starving or choking
Animals run a farm, you jokin'
Anything you want done Snowball

Hey, I just met you and this is crazy...
6. Create a comic describing the Bolshevik Revolution. Use Animal Farm as a guide (as far as creating characters of actual historical figures). Please include characters that represent Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Russian supporters, Russian dissenters.

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