Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wednesday/Thursday, September 28/29, 2011

American History Timeline

Bell Work
Philosopher Quiz
American Revolution Timeline

Bell Work
1. Update your table of contents
2. Study for your philosopher quiz.

American Revolution Timeline
Students will read through pg. 183-187.
Create a timeline that outlines the American Revolution. Begin with the passage of the Stamp Act in 1765 and continue to the signing of the Constitution on September 17, 1787.
Include at least 10 events on your timeline.
Include at least 3 pictures on your timeline.

Monday/Tuesday, September 26/27, 2011


Bell Work
Poster Preparation
Philosopher Foldables

Bell Work
1. Update your table of contents.
  1. When King John gave up his right under the Magna Carta do you think he had other alternatives? Why or why not?
  2. What advantages did the Iroquois have in creating a constitution? Why wouldn't they have been better off without the agreement?

Poster Presentation
Students get into groups. For 10 minutes, students will work on their posters. Students will combine all information into a visual presentation.

Philosopher Foldable
Students create a foldable to take notes on Enlightenment philosophers.

Per Encore High School's homework policy, students will be given the last 15 minutes of class to complete homework.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday/Friday, September 22/23, 2011

Read Chapter 6, section 2. Quiz on Monday

Bell Work
Enlightenment Thinker Presentations

Bell Work
1. Update your table of contents
2. Read Aristotle's Politics. Answer question.

Students will get into groups of 3-4. As a group, students will visit different stations in the classroom, in which they read about specifics regarding democracy, enlightenment, tyranny, etc.
Students will answer questions from readings.

Enlightenment Thinker Presentations
Student will work in groups of 3-4. Each group will be assigned an Enlightenment Thinker to focus on.
On a poster paper, students will create a profile of the individual thinker.
Each student will focus on one aspect of the thinkers life to be presented to class.
  1. Leaders-will make sure that their group is completing the work in a timely manner. Leaders will explain what important ideas the thinker had.
  2. Timekeepers-will help leaders in getting task complete in a timely manner. Timekeepers will keep track of time. Timekeepers will describe the impact that the thinker had on the world.
  3. Secretary will be responsible for writing this all down. Secretary will assist timekeeper and leader in completing assignment on time. Secretary will explain which important works the thinker produced.
  4. Artist-will assist team in completing assignment on time. Artist will recreate an image of the thinker.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday, September 20/21, 2011

Section 4, Assessment, Pg. 27

Bell Work
Class Bill of Rights

Bell Work
1.  Update your table of contents.
2.  Find 1 person who was not in your group.  Compare your Bill of Rights with their Bill of Rights.  Write at least 2 similarities and 2 differences.

Class Bill of Rights
Students will discuss the most important rights that students have in class and create a class bill of rights.

Students will be placed into groups.
Students will read through various passages about the fundamentals of democracy and answer questions.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday/Monday, September 16/19, 2011

Section 3: Terms and Names, Page 17.
Complete vocabulary bagels as outlines in class.  Provide term, book definition, student definition, draw a picture, write a sentence using the term.

Students will read a section from the English Bill of Rights and use it as a basis to create their own Student Bill of Rights.

Bell Work
Vocabulary Quiz #2
Bill of Rights Posters and Presentations
Writing Assignment

Bell Work
Update your Table of Contents
Write a paragraph in which you explain which 1 right students need to have
Study for your vocabulary quiz

Vocabulary Quiz #2
Matching and fill in the blank quiz on Prologue Section 2, vocabulary

Bill of Rights Poster and Presentation
In groups students will create a list of 10 fundamental rights that students should have.
Students will present their rights to the class.

Writing assignment
Students will answer the following questions after listening to all of the presentations

1.  What similarities do you see between the presentations?
2.  What differences do you see between the presentations?
3.  Which 1 right, that was presented, do you think is the most important?  Why?
4.  Which 1 rights, that was presented, do you think is the least important?  Why?
5.  If you could add 1 more right to your Bill of Rights, which right would it by and why?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wednesday/Thursday, September 14/15, 2011

Prologue, Section 2 Vocabulary

Students will work in groups to create a Student Bill of Rights, in which they describe rights that students should be given.

Bell Work
PowerPoint: The Foundations of Democracy
Group Work

Bell Work
1.  Update your composition book table of contents.  Write in today's date and assignment "Warm Up, Notes, The Legacy of Ancient Rome, The Legacy of Ancient Rome, Judeo Christian Tradition."
2.  Create a KWL Chart about democracy.

Foundations of Democracy Notes
Students will take notes from PowerPoint

Student Bill of Rights
Find a group of 2-3.
Turn to page 21. Read the Section titled The English Bill of Rights. As you read, look for what the English Bill of Rights guarantees.

Individually: (5-10 mins)

In complete sentences, write down your reaction to the English Bill of Rights.

What does the English Bill of Rights guarantee?
What do you think should be added?
What do you like about the English Bill of Rights?
What don't you like about the English Bill of Rights?
What are you confused about?

Create a Student Bill of Rights.
What rights should we guarantee to students?
What rights do students have that are being violated?

Write our your top ten student rights.

Review your answers to the previous questions. Try to clear up any confusion. (2 mins)

Create a group Student Bill of Rights. (25 mins)
On one sheet of paper, include at least 10 rights that students deserve. To be presented to class. (10 mins)
On a separate sheet of paper, include a justification for each right. In other words, explain why students deserve those rights. (10 mins)
Include at least one picture on your Bill of Rights. (5 mins)
Modified Assignments-
Complete 14-18 on Page 28. Judeo-Christian Tradition and Democratic Developments in England

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Monday/Tuesday, September 12/13, 2011

Read Prologue.  Pages 2-27.  Take notes.
Prologue, Section 1 Assessment, #4.  Pg. 9

Students will identify the contributions of ancient Greece and Rome to U.S. democracy.

Bell Work
PowerPoint: The Foundations of Democracy
The Legacy of Ancient Greece
The Legacy of Ancient Rome
The Judeo Christian Tradition

Bell Work
1.  Update your composition book table of contents.  Write in today's date and assignment "Warm Up, Notes, The Legacy of Ancient Rome, The Legacy of Ancient Rome, Judeo Christian Tradition."
2.  Create a KWL Chart about democracy.

Foundations of Democracy Notes
Students will take notes from PowerPoint

The Legacy of Ancient Greece
Students will copy the graphic organizer.  As they read pages 5-7, they will identify how Greek leader Solon, Cleisthenes, and Pericles strengthen Greek democracy.

The Legacy of Ancient Rome
Students will copy the graphic organizer.  As they read pages 8-9, students will identify "Important Principles," "Influence on Democracy," and "Written Legal Codes" of Roman Law.

Judeo Christian Religion
Students will copy the graphic organizer.  As they read pages12-16, they will identify the influence of Judaism, Christianity, the Reformation, and the Renaissance had on democracy.

As per Encore High School's homework policy, students will be given 15 minutes at the end of class to work on their homework.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday/Friday, September 8/9, 2011

Read Prologue.  Pages 2-27.  Take notes.

Students demonstrate mastery of basic social studies skills by completing the skillbuilder handbook.

Bell Work
Gallery Walk
Skillbuilder Handbook Quiz

Bell Work
1.  Update your composition book table of contents.  Write in today's date and assignment "Warm Up."
2.  As a historian, you will be required to read and write a lot.  Write about the best book you ever read.  What makes it so good?  Why would you recommend the book to others?

Gallery Walk
Students will complete Gallery Walk from last class period.
Note takers will visit each poster.  They will take notes from the poster and from what the presenter says.

Skillbuilder Handbook Quiz
Students will complete skillbuilder handbook quiz.

As per Encore High School's homework policy, students will be given 15 minutes at the end of class to work on their homework.

Tuesday/Wednesday, September 6/7, 2011


Students will demonstrate mastery of basic social studies skills by completing the skillbuilder handbook.

Bell Work
Group Work 2.10-3.6
Gallery Walk

Bell Work:
Update your composition book.

Group Work:
Students will break off into groups of 2-3.
Students will be given a section of the skillbuilder handbook to review/present.
Students will complete assignment on poster paper following the rubric:

Gallery Walk:
Students will decide within groups, who will present.  Presenters will explain what their assignment was and how they completed it.
Note takers will visit each poster.  They will take notes from the poster and from what the presenter says.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday, September 1, 2011/Friday, September 2, 2011

2.8  Making Inferences
2.9  Drawing Conclusions
2.10 Synthesizing

Students will demonstrate mastery of basic social studies skills by completing the Skillbuilder Handbook.

Bell Work
Review 2.3-2.6
2.7 Forming and Supporting Opinions, Pg. 662
HW Time

Bell Work
1. Update Table of Contents in Composition Book.
2. Make a cluster diagram where you analyze the issue of Trials by water in England.  Turn to page 11.  Look at the picture about the trial of an accused witch.  Read the caption.

Review HW
Class will review HW together

2.7 Forming and Supporting Opinions, Pg 662
Class will complete assignment on bottom of page 662.

HW Time
As per Encore High School's homework policy, the last 15 minutes of class are dedicated to homework.