Monday, October 31, 2011

Friday/Monday, October 28/31, 2011

Chapter 9 Terms and Names

Bell Work
Revolution Comparison Quiz
Interact with History, Pg 252
Picture Analysis

Bell Work
1.  Define the word: industrialization.
2.  Draw a picture to represent the word: industrialization.

Revolution Comparison Quiz
Students compare the French Revolution with Haitian Independence by explaining:
1.  Who rebelled?
2.  Why they rebelled?
3.  What happened?

Interact with History, Pg. 252
Students complete the Interact with History on page 252.  Students study the picture and answer the questions in their composition book.  Class discusses the questions together.

Picture Analysis
Students complete picture analysis work sheet in composition book for picture on page 251 on composition book.

Picture Analysis Worksheet

Step 1. Observation
Study the photograph for 2 minutes. Form an overall impression of the photograph and then examine individual items. Next, divide the photo into quadrants and study each section to see what new details become visible.

Use the chart below to list people, objects, and activities in the picture.

Step 2. Inference

Based on what you have observed above, list three things you might infer from this picture.


Step 3. Questions

What questions does this photograph raise in your mind?



Where could you find answers to them?



Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wednesday/Thursday, October 26/27, 2011

Enlightenment Magazine
Chapter 8 Vocabulary

Warm Up
Latin American Independence
Independence Notes
Enlightenment Magazine

Warm Up
1. Write a paragraph about the philosopher you are writing about in your magazine.
2.  Write a paragraph about the freedom fighter you are writing about in your magazine.

Latin American Independence
Students read page 223-227 to complete the chart below.

Who rebelled?
What happened?

Spanish South America



Independence Notes
Students complete charts like the one below about the independence movement they are highlighting in their

Enlightenment magazine.
Students continue working on their Enlightenment Magazine

Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday/Tuesday, October 23/24, 2011

Enlightenment Magazine

Warm Up
Metternich's Plan
Chapter 7 Assessment
Enlightenment Magazine

Warm Up
What were Napoleon's three costly mistakes?

Metternich's Plan
After reading pages 213-214 in Chapter 7, students identify the problems described by Klemens von Metternich during the Congress of Vienna and explain the solutions that were sought to remedy those problems.

Complete the chart below.
Metternich's Plan


Chapter 7 Assessment
Students read Chapter 7 and complete questions 1-4 on page 219.

Enlightenment Magazine
Students continue working on Enlightenment Magazine.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thursday/Friday, October 19/20, 2011


Enlightenment Magazine
Congratulations! You have just been selected to create an Enlightenment Magazine that will highlight some of the important ideas and effects of the Enlightenment period. For this assignment, you will need your:
  • Modern World History Textbook
  • Composition book

Your magazine will need to have the following:
  • At least 10 pages in length
  • A front cover with relevant title and visuals
  • A table of contents
  • An advertisement (related to the Enlightenment period)
  • One miscellaneous item (comics, ad, etc)

You will need to write 1 article from each of the following categories. Each article should be approximately 1 page in length, including photos/maps. Each article should be proof read for grammar or spelling mistakes. Each article should be typed and double spaced.
  • Article highlighting an Enlightenment Philosopher, in which you explain their importance and influence on the world today include a picture.
    • Locke
    • Rousseau
    • Wollstonecraft
    • Montesquieu
    • Beccaria
    • Voltaire
  • Article highlighting a revolution/independence movement that was fought based on Enlightenment ideas, in which you explain how Enlightenment ideas influenced the war and how those ideas are emphasized. Include a map.
    • American Revolution
    • French Revolution
    • Independence movement in Haiti
    • Independence movement in Mexico
    • Independence movement in Brazil
    • Independence movement in South America
  • Article highlighting one of the leaders who fought for independence, what ideas/events influenced them, and what were some of their major accomplishments. Include a picture.
    • Thomas Jefferson
    • George Washington
    • Benjamin Franklin
    • Simon Bolivar
    • Jose de San Martin
    • Miguel Hidalgo
    • Jose Maria Morelos
  • Timeline that covers the life of a philosopher/freedom fighter or revolutionary period including at least 10 events and 2 pictures.
  • Include a map to accompany your article on revolution/independence movements.
Your magazine will be graded as follows:
  • Front Cover
    • Shows creativity (5 points)
    • Highlights what the magazine will cover (5 points)
    • Image is relevant to Enlightenment period (5 points)
    • Title is relevant to Enlightenment period (5 points)
  • Table of contents
    • Accurate (10 points)
  • Articles
    • Each article is well written (5 points each)
    • Each article explains important events of the person's life or the event (5 points)
    • Each article explains the effects of the person's actions or event. (5 points)
    • Each article explains the important actions made by the person or during event (5 points)
  • Photos
    • Each photo is well placed and relevant to topic (up to 15 points)
  • Miscellaneous Item
    • Shows creativity (5 points)
    • Relevant to the Enlightenment period (5 points)
  • Advertisement
    • Shows creativity (5 points)
    • Relevant to the Enlightenment period (5 points)
  • Length
    • Magazine is at least 10 pages in length (5 points)

Bell Work
Benchmark Exam Quarter 1
Enlightenment Magazine

Bell Work
Review your study guide

Benchmark Exam
Students will take Benchmark Exam

Enlightenment Magazine
Students will review instructions for Enlightenment Magazine and begin working on assignment.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday/Tuesday, October 17/18, 2011

Benchmark Study Guide (Due Friday)
Read All Souls Rising (for Wednesday)

Bell Work
Napoleon Groups
Chapter 8, Section 1

Bell Work
1.  What was the reign of terror?

2.  What events ended the reign of terror?

Napoleon Groups/Presentations
Students complete their assignment on Napoleon's lifetime.
As groups finish up, students will take notes on each groups presentations noting how Napoleon gained power in France and how he ended up losing power.

Chapter 8, Section 1
As students read Chapter 8, section 1, they will take notes on the various independence movements in Latin America using the following graphic organizer:
Who rebelled?
What happened?

Spanish South America



Modified Assignment:
Choose 2 out of the 4 countries/regions to focus on.

Thursday/Friday, October 13/14, 2011


Bell Work
PowerPoint Notes
Group Work: The rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte

Bell Work
1.  What were the causes of the French Revolution?

PowerPoint Notes
Students takes notes on French Revolution Powerpoint

Group work: The Rise and Fall of Napoleon Bonaparte
Students will be placed into groups.
Each group will be responsible for creating:
  1. A timeline
  2. A political cartoon
  3. A biography of Napoleon during that time period
  4. A picture of Napoleon Bonaparte
Each group will be given a distinct portion of Napoleon's life to chronicle.
  1. Before power
  2. Attaining power
  3. Napoleonic Empire
  4. Napoleon's collapse

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday, October 11/12, 2011


Bell Work
Cause and Effect Chart
French Reform and Terror

Bell Work
Create vocabulary bagels for the following terms:
National Assembly
Tennis Court Oath
Great Fear
Declaration of Rights of Man
Reign of Terror

Cause and Effect Chart
As you read on page 197-203, find the causes and effect of the formation of a constitution.

PowerPoint Notes: French Reform and Terror
Students take notes on the French Revolution.

Thursday/Friday, October 6/7, 2011

Page 203, Section 2 Assessment

Bell Work
Causes of French Revolution
Skillbuilder: Political Cartoon
PowerPoint Notes: Causes of French Revolution

Bell Work
Making Judgements-Multiple Choice
Read the selection, answer multiple choice questions.

Causes of French Revolution
Students read page 194.  As they read, find causes of French Revolution.  Students should come up with at least 4 causes.

Skillbuilder: Political Cartoon
Students look at the political cartoon on page 194.  Using the chart and the graphs that accompany the cartoon, students should answer the Skillbuilder questions (1 and 2)

PowerPoint Notes:  Causes of French Revolution
Students take notes from PowerPoint

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Tuesday/Wednesday, October 4/5, 2011

Read the excerpt from Thomas Paine's common sense.
In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet titled Common Sense. This pamphlet was among the first to promote independence from Great Britain. In it he challenges the authority of the British monarch.

The nearer any government approaches to a Republic, the less business there is for a King. It is somewhat difficult to find a proper name for the government of England. Sir William Meredith calls it a Republic; but in its present state it is unworthy of the name, because the corrupt influence of the Crown, by having all the places in its disposal, hath so effectually swallowed up the power, and eaten out the virtue of the House of Commons (the Republican part in the constitution) that the government of England is nearly as monarchical as that of France or Spain. Men fall out with names without understanding them. For 'tis the Republican and not the Monarchical part of the Constitution of England which Englishmen glory in, viz. the liberty of choosing an House of Commons from out of their own body — and it is easy to see that when Republican virtues fail, slavery ensues. Why is the constitution of England sickly, but because monarchy hath poisoned the Republic; the Crown hath engrossed the Commons.”
-Thomas Paine

Read the excerpt from Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Make an analysis chart, like the one on page 660, in which they summarize the underlying assumptions and biases of Thomas Paine.

Bell Work
Review American Revolution Timelines
PowerPoint Notes
Writing Assignment

Bell Work:
  1. Which of the following events was fundamental in spurring the American Revolution.
    a. The Boston Tea Party
    b. The Boston Massacre
    c. The passage of the Stamp Act
    d. The signing of the Declaration of Independence
  2. Why was the constitution created?
    a. The Articles of Confederation were failing
    b. The Articles of Confederation were so strong
    c. The founding fathers were planning on creating a constitution after the Revolutionary war was over
    d. George Washington wanted to be king
Review Timeline of American Revolution
Class will review timelines. Students will tell Mr. Palacios, what order to place events on the timeline.

American Revolution PowerPoint
Students will take notes on the PowerPoint on the American Revolution 

Writing Assignment
The American Revolution was heavily influenced by enlightenment thinkers.
Though it caused a lot of problems for the colonists, it allowed for a new independent country to be born.
In a well developed paragraph, explain why you think the U.S.A. Becomes a symbol for freedom around the world.
In a second well developed paragraph explain, what you think the effects of the American Revolution will be on the rest of the world.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Complete any assignment not completed in class.

Warm Up

Chapter 6, Section 4 Assessment, Page 187
Chapter 7, Section 1, Page 193

Warm Up
Bell Work:
  1. Which of the following events shows the influence that enlightenment thinkers had on the American Revolution?
    a. The Boston Tea Party
    b. The Boston Massacre
    c. The passage of the Stamp Act
    d. The signing of the Declaration of Independence
  2. Why was the constitution created?
    a. The Articles of Confederation created a weak central government
    b. The Articles of Confederation created a strong central government
    c. The founding fathers were planning on creating a constitution after the Revolutionary war was over
    d. George Washington wanted to be king

Chapter 6, Section 4 Assessment, Page 187
Students will complete Page 187, Section 4 Assessment

Chapter 7, Section 1
Students will answer the Think Through History Questions on page 195 and 196.
Students will complete The Skillbuilder questions on page 194.
Students will complete the Connect to History questions on page 195.
Students will complete Section 1 Assessment on page 196.

Students will read the excerpt from Thomas Paine's Common Sense. Students should make an analysis chart, like the one on page 660, in which they summarize the underlying assumptions and biases of Thomas Paine.

Modified Assignment:
Students will complete #1 and #2 on page 187.
Students will complete #1 and #2 on page 196.